Make a gift

Be More Than a Listener!

Play a part that will keep the Symphony playing.

Thank you for your support of The McLean Symphony.

Please support our long-time tradition of bringing rich and varied music to the Metropolitan D.C. area with your tax-deductible donation, or with the purchase of advertising space in our concert brochures. Individual, business, and corporate donations are always appreciated. In addition, consider the possibility of matching gifts from your company or businesses and corporations with which you have affiliations.

Consider becoming personally involved with The McLean Symphony, not just as a member of the audience, but by lending your talents as a member of the Board, or perhaps as an usher, or by volunteering your services in other ways. We look forward to hearing from you, and (at the very least) seeing you often!

To ensure our long-term endowment, consider supporting The McLean Symphony through planned giving. Please contact the Symphony to learn how to make a designated gift. Such bequests can include donation of specific dollar amounts, or inclusion of The McLean Symphony in your will or estate.


The McLean Symphony

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

*The McLean Symphony is a 501(c)(3) organization. To ascertain suitability of any donation for tax purposes, particularly concerning pecuniary value of any benefits received by a contributor, donors must consult qualified tax professionals of their choosing.

You can send a check and/or corporate sponsorship inquiries to:

McLean Symphony
1350 Beverly Road
Suite 115-172
McLean, VA 22101